Do you have a favorite Bible verse? One that has been with you in the valley and carried you to the other side? Your go-to in time of crisis?
The first Bible verse I ever remember remembering is James 4:8. When I was a kid, probably in Vacation Bible School, a teacher passed around a paper with the letters of the alphabet. Each one had a Bible verse beside it. We were to go down the sheet and find the first letter of our name. The verse listed was our “birthday Bible verse.” I took what she said as gospel, so James 4:8 has been my birthday Bible verse ever since. Way back in the 1970s, I could say it without even thinking, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” It was only when I grew up that I realized the importance of the words.
Another Bible verse that meant a lot to me as a kid is Psalm 56:3. Growing up in an abusive home, many were the times I went to sleep holding on to my big sister’s hand and whispering, “When I am afraid, I will trust in God,” again and again.
God’s Word is alive! And the Bible says that in Hebrews 4:12.
God’s Word is our weapon against evil. Ephesians 6:17 calls it our sword in the armor of God. A weapon is not just an accessory to look cool. A sword is for battle. When we don’t have God’s Word in our hearts and minds, we are unarmed in spiritual combat.
Though James 4:8 and Psalm 56:3 have been favorites over the years, Joshua 1:9 is the one I share most. Who doesn’t need strength? Who doesn’t need encouragement? “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua was telling the whole nation after Moses’ death, that the LORD was still in control. He would continue to watch over them, even though things had changed. That’s a good reminder for us today.
On Mondays, I try to text or message Bible verses. Everyone can use a little spiritual push at the beginning of the week. I go down my contacts, choosing whomever the Lord lays on my heart. Copying one of the Scriptures I have in the notes on my phone, I paste it, pray for the person, and then hit SEND.
Oh heavens, how God can use His Word!
Last week I sent, “The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid,” Psalm 118:6. It spoke to so many. I got texts back saying, “I really needed that!” and sharing hard things they were going through. A woman whose husband has dementia, more than one going through cancer treatments, a lady who had suddenly been declared a high-risk pregnancy, college students overwhelmed with finals, a friend who is care-giving for her father, and on and on. God was using a verse written thousands of years ago to bolster people I care about here in the mountains.
If I read God’s Word and keep it to myself, it will change only me. But, if I share it, it can help others.
There are over 30,000 verses in the Bible. Which one is God using in your life? Don’t be stingy. Share it with someone today!
Dawn Reed is a pastor's wife and newspaper columnist. Reach her at