Thursday thoughts: Stay anchored in Jesus By JILL JOHNSON Wednesday, June 26, 2024 We were at the beach last week for our family vacation. It's always an adventure when the adults are outnumbered by the kids - five adults to seven children under 14 keeps you on your toes, and I might add can be quite exhausting, but that's another story. I love the beach. I don't necessarily love to get in the ocean, but I do love all things about the beach - the sand, the sound of the waves, and even the smell of sunscreen. Two days there were double red flags which meant you HAD to stay out of the ocean. This disappointed the kids, but honestly it didn't bother me, nor did it seem to bother the thousands of other people from the looks of all the umbrellas that were set up. I would get to the beach early to get settled with my chair and book for the day. This gave me time to observe others as they set up for their day. I was amazed at how many different colors and patterns of umbrellas there were. I mentally tried to see if I could find two that looked the same, but I couldn't. As I watched people set up and saw the different umbrellas, I felt like God was reminding me of several things. First I was reminded of the uniqueness of each of us. God created us that way. I could look around and see all the different colors of umbrellas and it made me realize God made us just as unique. In Psalms 130 the Bible says God created our inmost being; He knit us together in our mother's womb. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, each of us unique in our own way. Unique means you are one of a kind. We were unique right from the very beginning. Each of us was created with different strengths, abilities, and personalities. Just like those umbrellas looked so different as I was observing them down the beach - we are too. The umbrellas might have had similar colors or patterns, but they were all different. We might have similar qualities to another person, but no two people are exactly the same. We are one of a kind created by our loving Heavenly Father. Another thing I was reminded of while looking at the umbrellas is our roots. Let me explain. If you put up an umbrella at the beach there are two parts, the base (root) and the umbrella. The base has a pointed spiral bottom that you twist deep into the sand so that it is strong and stable enough to hold the umbrella. You then place the umbrella part into the base so that you can use the umbrella as needed. The base is the root or anchor of the umbrella. It is what keeps the umbrella firmly in place and allows it to protect from the elements such as wind or rain. It actually doesn't really matter what your umbrella looks like, but it does matter if you have strong roots and an anchor holding it. I thought about us as believers. Our anchor and where our life is rooted is what matters the most. Our anchor is Jesus and our roots serve as our faith in Him. Just like the umbrella needs a good anchor for protection, we do as well. If we are firmly anchored in Jesus we can withstand and have protection from anything we might face. Our roots have to be twisted deeply into the Word and truth of God so that our faith is strong enough to keep us standing even when life gets tough. I watched those umbrellas get blown about as the wind whipped all around them. Sometimes the umbrella might be spun. At times I saw umbrellas turned inside out, but they never separated from the base. The reason was that the base was rooted deep enough in the sand to withstand the elements. Colossians 2:6-7 says, "Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." If our anchor is in Jesus, He will give us the strength to face the elements of each day. If we are rooted in the Word of God, we will have the faith to endure the trials that come our way. I know there are times in my life when the trials I am facing seem too much for me to handle. I can question how I am going to get through this ordeal. I can't see the answers or a way that things are going to work out. I can feel spun around and turned upside down just like those umbrellas. But there is God. The trial will not overtake me because I have an anchor that will not let go and I have a faith that knows He is sovereign and has a plan for my life. Believe me, there are times I have felt exhausted and confused from being whipped around in the wind of my emotions and trying to figure things out on my own. I then have to go back to my faith and remember that God will never leave me, His timing is perfect, and He loves me more than I can even imagine. That is what makes the difference. It makes a difference in how you handle the trials in your life. It makes a difference in knowing God uniquely created you and He has the plan. I don't think I will be able to look at umbrellas at the beach and not think about God's protection and provision. Anchor yourself in Jesus and make sure your faith is rooted in His Word. Hebrews 6:19 says, "We have this hope (Jesus) as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." We have an anchor that is strong and trustworthy and will keep us steady when life is unpredictable. If you happen to drive by my house and see a beach umbrella up don't think I'm crazy. Just know I'm using it as a beautiful visual reminder of the One who firmly anchors my life and covers me from the wind, rain, trials, and tribulations that might cross my path. ___ Jill Johnson, a staff member at the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, finds spiritual applications in her everyday experiences as a wife, mother, grandmother and Georgian. She is available to speak to your church's women's gatherings. Reach her at --- PULLQUOTES --- Quote: If our anchor is in Jesus, He will give us the strength to face the elements of each day. If we are rooted in the Word of God, we will have the faith to endure the trials that come our way. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20230105-130542-Jill Johnson thumbnail.jpg Caption: Jill Johnson