Thursday thoughts: Give me a break! By JILL JOHNSON Wednesday, November 8, 2023 "Give me a break!"  I am sure you have heard this phrase or even said it a time or two. Honestly, I feel like I have said it so many times the last year or so – not necessarily in a sarcastic way but maybe in a somewhat desperate way. Let me explain. The Johnson household seems to always have something happening. We have discovered over the years when a doctor says, “Well, this reaction or complication only happens in about 10% of cases,” the Johnson’s are there in that small percentage. My husband has had numerous surgeries on his feet and legs. Last November he had to go out on leave with his job due to issues with his feet. As a result of these issues he had to have another foot surgery last December. After that surgery his doctor strongly suggested that he file for disability. His feet were not going to get better. He had previously had toes amputated and numerous surgeries and it was just in his best interest to take her advice. In January of this year he applied for disability. Needless to say, that process is extremely long. As of this month his application for disability with social security is only 80% complete. We check it weekly and it is just a very slow process. There is no guarantee that he will even be approved. In fact, this is one time where we are praying we will be in that small percentage since we are told only 10% of disability claims get approved on the first time around. Seriously! We need a break! Another thing that happened was concerning our daughter Missie. Last year we relocated her from a group home to an independent living program for adults with disabilities. (God worked all of these details out to be able to move her and one day I will share that story.)  If Wayne gets approved for disability it will increase our daughter’s social security payment, which covers most of her monthly expenses at the facility where she lives. We found out a month ago that Missie’s monthly cost was going to increase around $300 per month due to inflation and the rising cost at the facility. Again, if Wayne gets approved for disability it will increase Missie’s social security benefits which would assist us greatly in providing the extra monthly cost needed for her care. We need a break! About two weeks ago Wayne had a knee surgery. It was supposed to be repairing a torn meniscus, do a couple weeks of physical therapy, and then good to go. However, it didn’t quite go that way. His knee continues to swell to the point they are talking about needed to drain it, which of course the doctor says he rarely has to resort to.  Additionally, Wayne has rubbed another ulcer on his foot due to walking differently. Another doctor is now treating that open wound as well. We need a break! I realize these are not necessarily life altering situations, however it just seems sometimes we are hit with one thing after another. I was thinking about these things on my way to work this morning and God spoke to my heart. He reminded me that HE is my break. He wants me to pause and take a God break. He wants me to take the time to just completely stop. He wants me to give Him time to interrupt my thought process. God is my break. When I take my God break I have time to stop complaining and start trusting. I have time to cease my worrying and exercise my faith. I have time to change my voice of unbelief to dependence on the One who is the source of all I believe. I have time to disrupt my heart of impatience to fully surrender to my Savior. In John 16:33, the Bible says “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” God is saying take a break and remember I am the One who takes care of you. Take a break and remember I have never let you down. Take a break and remember that the circumstances you are in might not be good but God still is. Times are tough. God says in this life you WILL have trouble. He also reminds us that HE is still good when life is tough. No matter what happens in this life, God’s promises are still true, His faithfulness is still consistent, He still freely gives mercy, and our circumstances do not change His plan. When I need a break, He is the answer. You and I might not have all the answers, but God does. Are you in a hard season of life? Take a God break! Are you stressed and overwhelmed? Take a God break. Are you in a personal storm? Take a God break! Take a break, a deep breath, and focus on God. Take a break to remember the ways in which He has provided in the past. Take a break and believe. Even in Mark 6:30 Jesus said to the disciples, “Come off by yourselves; let’s take a break and get a little rest.” I need a break - a God break. What about you? ___ Jill Johnson, a staff member at the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, finds spiritual applications in her everyday experiences as a wife, mother, grandmother and Georgian. She is available to speak to your church's women's gatherings. Reach her at --- PULLQUOTES --- Quote: No matter what happens in this life, God’s promises are still true, His faithfulness is still consistent, He still freely gives mercy, and our circumstances do not change His plan. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20230105-130542-Jill Johnson thumbnail.jpg Caption: Jill Johnson