Thursday thoughts: Are you consistent, or complacent? By JILL JOHNSON Wednesday, October 11, 2023 What is the difference between consistency and complacency? What is the difference between showing up in a consistent way and becoming complacent by always showing up in the same way? Think about it. I have to admit that for me it is so easy to fall into the place of complacency especially with the issues of life, job, family and relationships. It can almost seem there is not enough time in my day to do anything but my “normal” day-to-day routines. I seem to focus on checking off the things on my mental list that need to get done. I feel like I end up a “little short” of the mark, just getting by, the "same old, same old." Am I succeeding or just surviving? Don’t answer that question, because I know the answer as it relates to me and my time. I can tell you for a fact that God doesn’t want me to be complacent, He wants me to be consistent. He doesn’t want me to “just get by,” He wants me to live by faith walking courageously. He doesn’t want me to live in the “same old, same old.” He wants me to believe in Him and expect the impossible in everything I am asked to do. God did not call me to a place of complacency or just getting by. God has such a higher calling for me and for you. There is a secret to being consistent. It starts with God. God’s consistency in my life is demonstrated to me because He is the constant One, He is the faithful One, He is the steadfast One, He is the unfaltering dependable One, and that NEVER changes. Hebrews 13:8 says “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” My consistency starts with my relationship with Him. My life is crazy busy and chaotic and I can feel like I am pulled in a million different directions. I have to make a conscious decision to spend time with God, today and every day. For God to help me be consistent I have to do my part and spend time with Him. That is the only way. I also have to choose to take one day at a time. I can’t look at the days ahead or regret the days behind me. I need to make a commitment to trust, follow and obey God to use me for THIS day. I, nor you, are guaranteed tomorrow. Time is short and there are many things to do and accomplish. I don’t want to miss out on life because of my “routine” or my plans. Sometimes I can get complacent with my day-to-day activities and that’s when I miss opportunities to allow God to use me. If I’m not consistent in my relationship with Him, I’m operating on auto pilot with my day-to-day routine.  I then can miss the opportunities to be a “constant” encouragement, a “faithful” friend, a “dependable” employee, or a “steadfast” family member in the storm. My relationship with God matters. He takes the redundant out of my life and redeems every moment to make them matter. I read a quote that said “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.” In order to show the Lord’s consistency we must remain consistent in our relationship with Him. We should start our day with God, pray for wisdom, ask for understanding and then look for opportunities out of our ordinary routine that God brings our way. We should all agree to get rid of complacency. What a difference there would be if we decided to start our day consistently with God. We could live a no excuses, northing-stopping us, giving our best every day, serving Him life. Consistency in my relationship with God leads to consistency in the way I handle my job, my family, my friends, and my day-to-day life. I don’t know about you but I want to be consistent in my relationship with God, consistent in my actions to others, consistent in my thoughts, consistent in my words in order to live my life realizing it’s not about routines, accomplishments or just getting by but about making a difference.  What do you need to do consistently to make a difference today? ___ Jill Johnson, a staff member at the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, finds spiritual applications in her everyday experiences as a wife, mother, grandmother and Georgian. She is available to speak to your church's women's gatherings. Reach her at --- PULLQUOTES --- Quote: I can tell you for a fact that God doesn’t want me to be complacent, He wants me to be consistent. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20230105-130542-Jill Johnson thumbnail.jpg Caption: Jill Johnson