Thursday thoughts: Drawing near to Jesus gives us traction for life By JILL JOHNSON Wednesday, September 20, 2023 This had been an expensive week at the Johnson household. Wouldn’t you know that in the same week my vehicle and my husband’s vehicle would BOTH need new tires? It would have been nice to try and not do both in one month, but that didn’t happen. When the tread is compromised, you have to replace the tires. The tread on your tires is what makes contact with the road. When your tread is worn off, it limits the tire's effectiveness to provide traction. Your tires are more apt to slip, hydroplane, and eventually you could have a blow-out and slide off the road you are on. The same is true with tennis shoes. All good runners need good shoes with ample traction on the bottom. That is what keeps their feet from slipping on wet surfaces and also helps them grip the surface they are running on to prevent falls. In wheels and shoes traction is the grip that gives you the stability you need to make progress. I was thinking about traction in terms of life. One of the definitions of traction is “the act of drawing or being drawn.” I thought about our relationship with God. In the first part of James 4:8 it says “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” When our traction is worn thin, we tend to lose our grip on Jesus. Jesus is our stability and the One we need to hold onto to be able to make progress in this life. When our grip is not holding onto Jesus, several things can happen. One thing that happens is you tend to feel like you are spinning your wheels. Have you been there? I know I have. The times when life is so very busy and you feel like you are constantly running but accomplishing nothing. I dare say those are some of the times when my grip is loose and the balance in my life is unstable. Maybe these happen to be times when I am so busy that I neglect my quiet time or prayer time. I feel like the other things that are needing my attention take precedence over my time with Jesus. Once my wheels start spinning and I begin to have that out-of-control feeling, I realize that my priorities are not in order. I need to adjust my distraction and strengthen my traction by drawing near to Jesus. Another thing I thought of that happens when our grip is not holding onto Jesus is we can easily slip off course. Just like our tires with no tread can cause us to slip off course, our life without Jesus can do the very same thing. Sometimes when life is running smoothly I can think “I’ve got this God, no need to worry.” WRONG! In reality we all need to hold onto Jesus in the easy times and the hard times. For me, I seem to let my grip loosen when things are running smoothly. In 1 Peter 5:8 it says “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Once I take control and lose my grip on Jesus I am trusting in Jill and not Jesus. I am more vulnerable because I am not alert and I can easily slip off course. I need to adjust my distraction and strengthen my traction by drawing near to Jesus. Bad tire traction can cause all sorts of issues such as weakness, blowouts, loss of control and many other things. Losing your grip on Jesus and your firm foundation of the Word of God can cause the very same things. Our traction in Jesus is renewed every day when we start our day in the Word, with prayer, and spending time drawing near to the only One who can keep us on the right track. Jesus can always reinforce our traction and stabilize our daily walk to allow us to move forward. I will say my car drives so much better with the new tires. I feel safer in knowing my tires have a grip and good traction on the road. My life runs so much better when I draw close to Jesus. I feel safe and secure when I use the Word of God for the traction underneath my feet, and grip the hand of my Savior as tight as I can. What about you?  ___ Jill Johnson, a staff member at the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, finds spiritual applications in her everyday experiences as a wife, mother, grandmother and Georgian. She is available to speak to your church's women's gatherings. Reach her at --- PULLQUOTES --- Quote: Jesus is our stability and the One we need to hold onto to be able to make progress in this life. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20230105-130542-Jill Johnson thumbnail.jpg Caption: Jill Johnson