Standing-room-only crowds gathering for BCM events at universities across Georgia Thursday, August 24, 2023 ATLANTA, Ga. — Standing-room-only crowds of students have been flocking to Baptist College Ministries on university campuses across Georgia as the new academic year gets underway. One of the largest gatherings involved 450 international students who gathered at Georgia Tech for  worship and a meal provided by First Baptist Church of Woodstock, said Beverly Skinner, collegiate ministry catalyst for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board. At the University of North Georgia, 400 students gathered at the BCM to worship last week. “Students sat on the floor and were packed from wall to wall,” Skinner said. At the University of Georgia, 350 students took part in the BCM’s first worship event of the year, using every chair they had in the building. Skinner said Valdosta State BCM students fanned out across campus to engage 47 people in gospel conversations, leading four students to Christ. Volunteers from First Baptist Woodstock and other churches showed up at the Atlanta airport when 360 international students arrived enroute to Georgia State and Georgia Tech. The volunteers drove them to their campuses. “This is a project coordinated annually by Georgia State and Georgia Tech BCMs and FBC Woodstock,” Skinner said. “Church members who pick up internationals work to develop an on-going relationship with them throughout the year.” The Middle Georgia State University BCM had 80 students for worship this week. Kennesaw State University’s Marietta campus had 85 students in worship this week with five churches providing food. The University of West Georgia had 72 students at their first worship night of the semester. “This is just a very quick flyover-type report,” Skinner said. “We have had a great start on all of our campuses. While the numbers are exciting, we know they represent individual students who are hearing the gospel for the first time or connecting BCM and churches to grow as a Christ follower, and that’s the truly exciting part. Georgia Baptists can be proud that our BCM campus ministers are leading students to impact our campuses for Jesus in a powerful way.” --- PHOTOS --- File: 20230824-100849-UNG BCM August.jpg Caption: Students crowd into the University of North Georgia BCM for worship. File: 20230824-100727-UGA BCM August.jpg Caption: A crowd of students gather at the University of Georgia BCM. At universities across the state, huge crowds have been gathering for worship. File: 20230824-100049-Middle Georgia BCM August.jpg Caption: Students gather for worship at the Middle Georgia State University BCM.