Thursday thoughts: 'Use your eyes, your ears, and then use your feet' By JILL JOHNSON Thursday, August 3, 2023 My grandchildren are notorious for using the “pause” button on the TV remote. They LOVE to pause their shows while getting a snack, taking a bathroom break, or just deciding to leave and go play. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked into the den and found our TV is paused in the middle of a show. I don’t know about you but sometimes I wish there was a “pause” button for life.  I can get emotional seeing the pictures of the first day of school for my grandchildren. They really do grow up so fast. I can also feel overwhelmed at the pace of life. It seems there is so much that needs to be accomplished in just one day. The definition of “pause” is a temporary stop in action or speech to rest. I started thinking about this and the first verse that came to mind was Psalms 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.” I really feel like God knows we need to pause from time to time. I thought about the little saying that I learned as a child and that I taught to my children: “Stop, look, and listen before you cross the street. Use your eyes, your ears, and then use your feet.” Honestly, I almost feel like that is what God is saying to us in Psalms 46:10. Our decisions, problems, trials, and just life in general should cause us to pause before we act. God wants us to STOP and BE STILL. We need to press pause. You can mentally, physically, and emotionally wear yourself out if you don’t stop and rest. God tells us to do this and it’s because HE knows we need stillness in our daily lives. STOP and press pause. We also have to LOOK (use our eyes) as we seek God. In 1 Chronicles 16:11, we’re told, “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek His face always.” When we press pause we allow time to see God working through all circumstances for our good. At times we have to look back to see the hand of God in our life. We can see the way God has protected and blessed our life. Blessings are in nature, in children, in provisions, in friendships, in protection and so many other things. You will not be able to see and appreciate all that God has done for you unless you look around and seek His face. Press pause, LOOK and seek God. We also must LISTEN (use our ears) to be able to HEAR God. If we do not take the time to pause, we won’t be able to hear God as we listen for His direction with decisions, problems, trials and guidance in our life. God desires to provide peace, comfort and direction for us, but we must LISTEN to HEAR His voice. I don’t know about you, but there is so much outside noise and sometimes inner turmoil in my life that I hear everyone else but God. We know God is the only one who can provide the direction and answers we need in our life. Press pause and LISTEN. Just like the little saying goes, you don’t walk (use your feet) or act until you have paused. Spend the time with God being still, recognizing and acknowledging His many blessings, and listening to hear and obey the direction He is leading. I pray that daily we set aside time to allow us to press pause, be still and know that He is God. Stop, look, and listen. Use your eyes, your ears and then use your feet. He is there and desires for us to take that temporary pause daily to spend time with Him. I believe God wants us to practice the pause. I am positive when I pause before speaking, responding, or reacting I am allowing God time to work in my life. I wonder how many issues I might have avoided if I had just taken the time to pause and seek God first. I saw this acrostic for PAUSE: Pause and pray Ask for wisdom Unload your worries Surrender your will Expectantly wait on God I learned as a child to stop, look, and listen for my safety and protection. Is it possible we need to “Be still and know that He is God” for the exact same reason? Do you need to press pause? ___ Jill Johnson, a staff member at the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, finds spiritual applications in her everyday experiences as a wife, mother, grandmother and Georgian. She is available to speak to your church's women's gatherings. Reach her at --- PULLQUOTES --- Quote: When we press pause we allow time to see God working through all circumstances for our good. At times we have to look back to see the hand of God in our life. We can see the way God has protected and blessed our life. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20230105-130542-Jill Johnson thumbnail.jpg Caption: Jill Johnson